One Mission, Four Expressions
MissioNZ and MissioAotearoa are two NZ Charities of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in New Zealand.
The PMS is a network of four distinct societies, each with its own focus, but all united in one common mission to support the Pope reaching out to communities and young churches through a network of charity.
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The objective of Missionz is to promote awareness of the mission of the Catholic Church – to present the good news of Jesus Christ to all peoples, and to generate spiritual, material and financial support for those working in mission and third world territories.
The Pontifical Mission Societies have the common aim of assisting the Holy Father, in spreading missionary awareness among priests, religious, adults and children; encouraging aid to the poor, and gathering financial support for different projects in third world countries. The funds collected during the year by the Pontifical Mission Societies are sent directly to mission dioceses in need, as decided at Council in Rome each May.
Mission Education
“…everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”
John 3:16
Mission Animation
“I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last…”
(Mattthew 22:37)
MissioNZ assists various missions around the world. Here are some examples.