World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on 18 October 2020 when all Churches throughout the world come together to support mission. In his recent annual Message, Pope Francis highlights the call to be missionaries amidst the current global pandemic. He says the Lord continues to ask us “Whom shall I send?” and that this call to mission emerges as an “invitation to step out of ourselves for love of God and neighbour” through service and prayer. May we all take on the challenge at these extraordinary times to respond to our special missionary calling, “Here I am, send me” to help transform lives!

World Mission Sunday 2020 is on 18 October. 

Will you join us to share God’s love with those near and far?

World Mission Sunday is celebrated in every Catholic community in the world. It is the day when we celebrate our being a missionary-disciple member of the Church community. It’s a moment of grace to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ who are living in situations of poverty, violence, and oppression. Every parish, school, and community are invited to join this special event, and every cent and dollar and prayer you give to MISSIO-NZ helps missionaries everywhere continue their work.

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